A compilation of Swift programming tips, from basic methods to in-depth Core Data tutorials. Provided to get you past hurdles while debugging and getting your app to run. Also includes some product tools to improve Swift development.
CoreData on Cocoacasts.com : Populate a TableView with NSFetchedResultsController
Algorithms and data structures : Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations
CoreData on Codementor.io : Saving and fetching
CoreData on Kaleidosblog.com : How to store objects
Debug tips on Mukeshthawani.com : How to debug the SIGABRT error
Dictionaries as Collection Types on MakeAppePie.com : How to use Dictionaries in Swift
Objective-C in Swift on iOSblog.com : How to use Objective-C Classes in Swift
Objective-C in Swift on Cjworth.com : Circular References between Swift and Objective-C
Optionals on Makeapppie.com : Ten Points for using Optionals
Maps on Hackingwifthswift.com : How to add annotations to MKMapView
Gestures on iOScreator.com : Detect Long-press gesture iOS tutorial
Storyboards on andrewcbancroft.com : Adding buttons to the Navigation bar with Storyboards
Make App Pie : Adventures in developing Apps for the iPhone and the iPad.
Use Your Loaf : Articles about experiences learning and developing for iOS .
Swift by Sundell : Weekly posts about Swift development techniques, frameworks and tips & tricks.
We Heart Swift : Introduction to Apple Watch Apps.
Hacking with Swift : Tips for developing software for a huge range of devices, including iPhones, iPads, Apple Watch, Apple TV and beyond.
Ray Wenderlich's Blog : Learn Swift from industry professionals, in an easy, step-by-step manner.
Pawan Poudel's Blog : iOS and Web developer. Author of Beginning Elm.
NS Hipster : A journal of the overlooked bits in Objective-C, Swift, and Cocoa.
iOS Dev Weekly : Hand picked collection of the best iOS development links every week.
Little Bits of Cocoa: Publication aimed at providing small, bite-sized tips and tricks for iOS and Mac development.
StackOverflow : General site covering Swift to learn and share programming knowledge.
Code Pro : Fun and effective Swift iOS programming tutorials.
Let’s Build That App : Build working apps from the AppStore, i.e. YouTube, Facebook, FB Messenger, etc.
Kaleidos Studio : Learn how to code in swift to develop amazing iOS apps.
Sean Allen Swift Vlog : Swift and iOS Development from an iOS Engineer in Silicon Valley. Tutorials, VLOGs, Interview Questions, and LIVE on Sundays.
Mayank Gupta Swift Vlog : Swift for Beginners and a variety of programming tutorials .
Mark Moeykens Swift Vlog : Free iOS, Xcode and Swift tutorials. Send them a UI design and they’ll show you how it’s done.
Stanford Swift : Stanford CS iPhone Application Development with Swift.
Brian Advent Swift Vlog : Learn iOS and macOS Development by examples.
Simplified iOS : Basics of iPhone Application Development using Xcode and Swift.
Swift with Shani: Sharing topics on programming with Swift and application development.
Code with Chris: Learn how to make an app with Swift and Xcode, turning your app idea into a reality.
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A sample app implementing CoreData to store and retrieve images. Also uses MapKit. |
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An app with recent articles stored and retrieved from CoreData for later viewing. |
Swift Noobs : Devoted to learning the Swift programming language with others, joining forces and sharing knowledge.
iOS Developers : iOS developers with 20,000 members and counting.
LearnSwift : For beginners, intermediates, and expert Swift programmers.
DevChat : Community of developers, asking and answering Swift questions, solving challenges.
CodeNewbie : Supportive community of programmers and people learning to code in several languages including Swift.
Leading Agile : Posts on the fundamentals of taking Agile Theory into practical implementation.
101 Ways : All about Agile and improved collaboration.
Agile for All : Tips for developing an Agile team space.
Leading Agile : Free Agile resources and learn more about specific Agile topics.
Solutions IQ : Resource library which shares Agile learning and experiences.
Fun Retrospectives : Activities and ideas for making agile retrospectives more engaging.
DZone Agile Zone : Agile resource spotlight.
Mike Cohn’s Agile Blog : Practical and actionable Agile advice, tips and guidance for creating high-performing teams..
Marcusoft : Effective Agile for teams.
Agilitrix Blog: Practices for the Agile Mindset.